Felipe is awarded the Sean Cocchia Rare Disease Research Grant

Author: Felipe Santiago Tirado

A professional headshot of Felipe Santiago Tirado.

In the Spring of 2021, thanks to a gift from a benefactor, Sean Cocchia, the Warren Family Center for Drug Discovery put out an RFA for a one-time grant (up to $25,000) for research aimed at facilitating discoveries in rare disease research.  Felipe submitted a proposal entitled “Pilot studies for antifungal susceptibilities in an uncharacterized mutant of Cryptococcus neoformans with altered host-fungal interactions” and today we received the wonderful news that it was awarded!

"Dear Dr. Santiago-Tirado,
Thank you for your application for the Sean Cocchia Rare Disease RFA via the Warren Center for Drug Discovery.
During the spring of 2021, you submitted a proposal entitled “Pilot studies for antifungal susceptibilities in an uncharacterized mutant of Cryptococcus neoformans with altered host-fungal interactions.” in response to the Sean Cocchia Rare Disease RFA. The applications were evaluated by two members of our research community that are familiar with this area of
research. Upon reading through your proposal, it was clear that your science was high-caliber, could be completed, and likely to produce preliminary data that could be used to obtain additional funding and potentially, develop new drugs/tools. As a consequence of the strength of your application and these criteria, your proposal was ranked very high and selected for funding. The Sean Cocchia Rare Disease will provide you $25,000 to pursue your research.
Congratulations and thank you again for being an integral part of the Warren Family Research Center for Drug Discovery and Development."

Thank you Warren Center!